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How To Train A Miniature Schnauzer Puppy: Growth Timeline & Milestones

This Lovely Puppy was bred by Manuel Itriago, Manit Miniature Schnauzers
Excerpts from an article by Elaine Waldorf Gewirtz, American Kennel Club, November 17, 2021

with a few “NOTES” added.

The smallest of the three schnauzers, the Miniature Schnauzer turns heads wherever it goes.  The breed’s bushy eyebrows and thick-fringed beard give the Miniature Schnauzer the look of a distinguished gentleman that is hard to miss.

Highly intelligent, muscular, and outgoing, this sturdy terrier-type dog is a fast learner.  With a bit of planning, patience and persistence on your part, your pup’s first year with you will proceed without too many mishaps.  This doesn’t mean there won’t be a few training bumps along the way, but at least you will know what works.

Key Milestones: 8-16 Weeks

Your puppy leaves its mother and littermates and joins your household. The transition from the breeder to your home will no doubt seem overwhelming to your puppy.

Follow. these good behavior guidelines to boost your puppy’s new start.


Training Goal #1: Establish Expectations and Set A Routine

To help your puppy figure out your likes and dislikes, decide what goals you want him to meet.  Your next task is communicating these goals to your puppy.  Knowing your expectations will help your dog feel secure.  Schnauzers are willing workers who aim to please you.

To do this, set a schedule for waking up, feeding meals, and daytime naps.  Incorporate basic training, bathroom breaks, and bedtime for the night.  Don’t forget to add in plenty of cuddle sessions and playtime. You will also want to include designated times for meeting people and going to new places.  Ensure you have all the proper supplies for your puppy.


Training Goal #2: Use Your Puppy's Name

Once you decide on your puppy’s name, begin using it whenever you want his attention.  Your upbeat voice signals good things happen when he hears his name and responds by looking at you.  Reward his response with praise, a small food treat, or petting.  Eye contact will prepare your puppy to come to you when you call him.


Training Goal #3: Crate Train And Potty Train Your Puppy

Chances are the breeder of your puppy introduced him to settle into a crate for naps and bedtime and also started training him to potty outside.  Continue enforcing these lessons the day you bring your puppy home.  Feeling comfortable inside his crate and housetraining go hand in hand.


Training Goal #4: Teach Grooming Acceptance

Although Schnauzers do not shed much, your puppy’s double coat consist of a wiry topcoat and a soft undercoat.  You will need to provide regular care and body upkeep. (NOTE:  Once a Miniature Schnauzer coat is clippered, the wiry topcoat will be lost and all that will remain is a soft undercoat.)

It is important to get your dog to become accustomed to standing on a grooming table.  Begin the process a day or two after your puppy comes home. (NOTE:  as a substitute for a grooming table a towel can be placed on a countertop or table)

Build a positive association with regular bathing, brushing and clippering.  Once your puppy realizes that nail trimming, dental care, and beard cleaning isn’t painful, the grooming routine goes smoothly.  To sweeten the practice, offer treats, praise, and petting.

NOTE:  Your puppy’s breeder can provide information on grooming procedure. Brush your puppy often so that his coat and legs do not mat.  Add daily beard care as it gets wet every time your puppy drinks and eats


Training Goal #5: Introduce Your Puppy To People And New Places

After your puppy receives his puppy vaccines and is fully protected, socialize him.  Take him to visit friends and family.  Add outings to public places that allow dogs.  However, dog parks are not recommended until adulthood.  Your puppy can still observe dogs without greeting them.  Experiencing new people, sights, and sounds help bolster your puppy’s confidence in the world around him. Some Miniature Schnauzers can become too protective of their family if thy are not around other dogs and surroundings.


Training Goal #6: Teach Your Puppy Basic Cues

Your puppy is ready to learn good manners and respond to basic skills.  The American Kennel Club offers a 6-week AKC STAR Puppy Program.  (NOTE:  Your local dog clubs may also offer puppy classes)

The interaction with other puppies and early training leads to teaching your puppy these behaviors

  • Come when called
  • Sit
  • Down
  • Stay
  • Leave It
  • Off


Please contact us with any comments or suggestions you may have.

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