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Dogs and Fireworks Don’t Mix

Miniature Schnauzer Fireworks

We hope to provide you with valuable information which may interest you and help you care for your Miniature Schnauzer

This excerpt was taken from the article "Why Are Dogs Scared of Fireworks?" published by Purina

While the bright flashes and big booms from fireworks can be fun for people, for dogs they can be disorienting, confusing and even frightening.  So, whether it’s the Fourth of July, New Year’s Eve or any other festive occasion where the loud booms and crackles of fireworks fill the air, it is important to be mindful of any dog frightened by loud noises and keep an eye on how they are coping.


Fireworks Are Loud, Unpredictable, and Threatening

Dogs have exceptional hearing.  If a dog comes running to the sound of a crinkling food wrapper from a different part of the house, you can imagine how sensitive they are to firecrackers.

Similar to thunder and lightening, the noise the fireworks make is loud and unexpected and puts many dogs on edge. Most of the time, people are expecting fireworks before they go off. If it is the Fourth of July, many people can’t wait to either start lighting them or go to a fireworks show.  But dogs have no frame of reference.  To them, it is just another day and when the loud noises and flashing lights start, they have no idea what is happening or why.  The loud noises and flashing lights sound and look different every time and come at seemingly random intervals, so dogs can not get used to them.  The noise and unpredictability of fireworks lead many dogs to perceive them as a threat.  This triggers their fight-or-flight response.  Your dog may bark at the noises or try to run away and hide.  They may also show other signs of anxiety, like restlessness, panting, pacing, or whining.

How To Keep Your Dog Safe And Sound

  • Keep Your Dog Inside:  Even if your dog spends most of his time outdoors, bring him inside during fireworks displays.  This will prevent him from running away when he feels scared.
  • Create a Safe Space:  If your dog is crate-trained, make his crate available.  That is probably already a safe space for him.  If not, put him in a bathroom or other small room with music or white noise to help drown out the boom of fireworks.  Bringing his bed, blankets and toys into the room might also make him feel more comfortable.
  • Try A Calming Wrap:  Calming wraps, vests and shirts apply light constant pressure.  Many dogs find this soothing and calming.
  • Desensitize:  Try working with your dog well in advance of firework-heavy holidays to desensitize them to fireworks and other loud noises.  You can start by playing fireworks sounds on a low level while playing with your dog and giving him treats.  Over time, slowly increase the sound of the fireworks during these play sessions.
  • Make Sure He Is Microchipped And Wearing A Collar:  It is critical to ensure people can identify your dog and contact you if your dog runs off in fear.  Getting him microchipped is always a good idea.  Make sure he is wearing his collar and that his ID tags are up to date.

Not all dogs are afraid of fireworks, but it is important to remember your dog will take cues from you.  If you make a big deal out of them when your dog is otherwise calm, they may eventually develop anxiety about fireworks.  So try to keep your dog calm and remember to remain calm yourself.  When you understand why dogs are afraid of fireworks, you can better address your dog’s fears and help him stay calm.

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